Tak to s tebou souhlasím, ale já se nevyjadřoval jestli ten shitstorm byl nebo nebyl oprávněnej. Jen že zrovna tenhle týpek, co tu shitstorm nastartoval, má takový a makový dojmy, což působí krapet ironicky.
Jinak co se týče podmínek v CDP, extrémně do detailu se o tom rozepsal Ryan Pergent. Nadával hlavně na nízký platy (což bylo ale daný do jistý míry tím, že měl velkej studentskej dluh), ale nízký jsou ve srovnání se západem.
Tu sérii
článků ukončil takhle
Post scriptum note
I left CDProjekt on the best possible terms. I wholeheartedly recommend the company.
Only 6 months after I left, more or less everybody got a salary bump. I don’t know the actual numbers, but I think I would now be earning the 3000 euros that I asked for.
The management also greatly improved, and I heard most of the problems I went through have been fixed or mitigated.
Co se týče toho scénáristickýho týmu
Are you part of the increasingly rare studios that continue to favor solo experiences rather than multiplayer games?
AB: Solo games are very difficult. Usually, when you create games, you have very few "features" that stand out, maybe even one. While in the kind of role play we do, you have to create so many things. This process is extremely difficult. It takes a big team, very talented people ... For example, usually the studios make external writers work. We, we have ten full-time screenwriters, now very experienced.
https://www.lemonde.fr/pixels/article/20 ... 5314978_4408996.html