BUG ALERT jak je v Cargo Bay úkol postavit turrety, a pak otevřít ty dveře, a pak se objeví "destory all typhon organisms", tak já je všechny zmasakruju, ale ten objective se mi neodškrtne, a ta banda tam stojí a čumí - tohle je předpokládám bug? Stalo se ti to taky Bodkine ?
Bodkin (10.05.2017 11:39): congrats, stejný link jsem postnul hned pod tebou :p
Shoggot (10.05.2017 11:46): překvapení roku? Je to Arkane! Ne náhodou jsem to měl v TOP3 nejočekávanějších her roku :)
Pročítám kodex a dojmy z lidí co hrajou Prey na twitchi, depresivní
One girl streamer was trying to kill a Telepath with Recycler grenades. She had no shotgun ammo and no materials for crafting because she didn't know about recycling (or crafting !?).
One guy has upgraded his health to max and it's using like 4 medkits for full health. He is fighting phantoms with the wrench and he is always out of medkits.
Another girl had no idea what she was doing besides acting like a retard. She recycled her upgraded guns. Unbelievable.
Most of them (90%) don't know what they are doing. Even known streamers are staying away from the game for some reason (they probably don't want to look as the fools they are).
Complete shitshow. Hard to watch