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@Crash (23.04.2020 06:58): za to můžeš poděkovat tvůrcům goat simulatoru, že otevřeli stavidla meme hrám..a zrovna goat simulator byl asi i docela zábavnej, nějak, a dobře se prodával, tak se holt někteří snaží přiživit :)
@Paul (22.04.2020 22:27): Nemám pocit, že můj záměr, vyhledat na Steamu nově vydané simulátory, je záměrně vyhledávání hnoje. Bohužel zrovna v tomhle žánru je toho hnoje požehnaně.
@Tulareanus (22.04.2020 12:36): zajímavý, já když kouknu na steam, tak tam nikde coughing simulator ani jiný podobný trashe nevidím, a kdyby to tady lidi nepostovali, tak nevím že existujou. Imho má Steam tohle pořešený už docela dobře a prostor dává spíš hrám kde je vidět nějakej effort. A jinak mi existence trashe na steamu teda nevadí, shelf space jim nedojde a nechci aby někdo arbitrárně rozhodoval, co tam prodávat a co ne. Navíc když existuje autorefund.
@Cobot (22.04.2020 12:47): Tak ja steam store nepoužívam len na nakupovanie a tiež väčšinu kľúčov kupujem inde, ale je to dobré aj na prehľad v hrách, prefiltrovať si trocha zoznamy nejakých titulov podľa tagov, nájsť nejaké hry, ktoré by sa mi mohli páčiť a dať si ich do wishlistu.
A tú ľaťku kvality si kľudne môže určiť steam nejakými kritériami. Kto chce, by sa tam stále mohol pozrieť medzi takéto tituly.
@Tulareanus (22.04.2020 12:36): Souhlasim, ale kdo určí tu laťku kvality? Na druhou stranu já tyhle věci vůbec nevidim, protože na steam jdu už jen cíleně na konkrétní hru. Já vlastně většinu klíčů kupuju jinde.
Ono ten steam by úplne vyriešilo to, keby takéto tituly a všetky céčkoviny mali nejaký vlastný šuflík miesto shopu a neplevelili mi, keď sa chcem pozrieť, čo nového vyšlo alebo zaujímavého je.
@Paul (21.04.2020 17:14): Tak je to pro technologickou rubriku New York Times, ne pro herní médium. Takže věci se třeba lidem, co hry hodně zajímají (a často je to jediné), se můžou zdát příliš očividné, ale ostatním ne. Schreier zas umí psát jinak zajímavé věci.
Ho sem skopčím, snáď ma nikto neudá..

During the early days of self-quarantine at Larian Studios, the independent video game developer founded in Ghent, Belgium, morale remained high. Designers and engineers, many of whom worked remotely (the company has 300 employees across five countries), were able to continue to do so, building levels and writing code from their homes.

“The very first week, it went really well,” said Swen Vincke, the chief executive at Larian, which makes popular role-playing games like Divinity: Original Sin and the upcoming Baldur’s Gate 3. “Everyone had all the information they needed to just smoothly go work from home.”

But as the company entered the second and third weeks of social isolation amid the coronavirus pandemic, problems began to emerge. Parents have to work while caring for young children. Some employees have found themselves working limited or unusual hours, which has led to reduced productivity and communication struggles. And with Larian’s external partners closing or transitioning to remote work, everything has slowed down.

“We started seeing more stress on the leads in terms of communication,” Mr. Vincke said. “We’d spend all of our days just communicating — trying to solve problems, organize things, give direction.”

The Good News: Epic Sales

Video games might seem to be the perfect business for this new reality, in which most of the world has asked citizens to self-isolate in hopes of combating the pandemic. Bored and restless at home, people are taking solace in games.

The shooter game Doom Eternal, released in mid-March, had the best sales weekend of any game in the series. Animal Crossing, a simulation in which the player can create an idyllic existence by building homes and selling turnips, has broken sales records and become a cultural phenomenon. ESPN is showing e-sports, and video game streaming sites are bringing in massive viewerships: From the fourth quarter of 2019 to the first quarter of 2020, the streaming platform Twitch exceeded three billion hours watched for the first time, according to a report from the software service Streamlabs.

“Gaming is one of those areas that people are diverting to from other activities that they would have done in a normal world,” said Mat Piscatella, an analyst at the N.P.D. Group, which tracks the sales of video games. “The game sales that are coming out are breaking franchise records.”

Delays and Burnout

Yet video game developers, as well as the large corporations behind the gaming consoles, have faced challenges adapting to a world in which offices and factories are closed and designers have children vying for their attention at home. Behind the scenes, questions linger as to how to tackle a crisis that could last weeks or months — particularly for those making games and gaming consoles that they hoped to release this year.

Sony, the publisher of PlayStation consoles and dozens of video games, said in early April that it would be delaying the much-anticipated The Last of Us: Part II from May 29 to an undetermined date. Developers at Naughty Dog, the studio behind the game, said the delay was because of the current challenges of printing, shipping and selling physical copies of video games. With factories closed, distribution pipelines disrupted and the retailer GameStop operating at reduced capacity, Sony worried that physical sales would be diminished.

Sony isn’t alone. Amazon delayed its multiplayer game New World from spring to August “in order to reach our quality bar as we work remotely for the foreseeable future,” the company said in a statement. The publisher Square Enix had to delay a big new update for its online game Final Fantasy XIV. The Microsoft-owned post-apocalyptic role-playing game Wasteland 3 was bumped from May 19 to Aug. 28, with its developers citing “these new logistical challenges” in their explanation.

Other big companies have found it easier to adapt. Ubisoft, the multinational publisher of games like Far Cry and Assassin’s Creed, has 17,000 employees at 55 studios who could be moved from project to project as different countries faced lockdown orders.

“We shifted some of our quality assurance and testing work from India to China while our studio in Pune was transitioning to working from home,” said Yves Guillemot, Ubisoft’s chief executive. “We also learned a lot from our studios in China, who had to deal with this first and shared their best practices and experiences with us.”

Forrest Dowling, the president of the Molasses Flood, a Boston-based independent studio, said he still hoped to release his new multiplayer building game, Drake Hollow, in June. Because the game is digital-only, Mr. Dowling’s company has more flexibility. “We are figuring it out on a week-by-week basis at the moment,” he said.

But Mr. Dowling said he was concerned about keeping his staff happy and productive in these extraordinary circumstances. He compared working during the pandemic to “crunch”: lengthy periods of extended overtime, which are ubiquitous in the video game industry.

“I think this is going to burn people out,” Mr. Dowling said. “From an energy focus standpoint, it feels very similar to times that I crunched.”

Canceled or delayed events have also thrown roadblocks in the way of releases. Mr. Dowling had planned to show Drake Hollow at the Game Developers Conference, an annual March event in San Francisco, but it was canceled, costing the game potential media coverage. Big game publishers are still scrambling to figure out replacement plans for E3, the video game convention held each June, in which big new games are announced and showcased.

Developers who relied on these events to strike marketing deals or find financing for their games now find themselves facing ruinous consequences. Jukka Laakso, the chief executive of the Finland-based studio Rival Games, wrote in a blog post on April 10 that he was shutting down his company. The studio had already been struggling, he said, but the pandemic “shut down all the leads that we had and left us lost in the dark with no way out.”

Josh Regan, an independent game developer who is scheduled to release a strategy game called Warborn, on June 12, said he grew nervous when he saw the delays of The Last of Us: Part II and other big games.

“I have a suspicion this might mean more visibility is available to indies, but I think lower disposable income is going to be a concern for everyone,” Mr. Regan said. “Suffice to say, it feels very strange to be making games at a time like this.”

Mr. Regan, who is based in Bristol, England, added that he might have to delay the planned physical release of his game, releasing it only on digital platforms.

Another major logistical hurdle for video games in 2020 will be getting through certification, a process required by the three major console manufacturers, Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony. Before any developer can release a game on Switch, Xbox or PlayStation, those companies want to ensure that there are no game-breaking glitches.

But certification testers at those companies are now working remotely, which has raised questions about security and productivity. Developers worry that with everything taking longer than it normally does, a backlog may emerge.

Geneviève St-Onge is the co-founder of Popagenda, a company that helps small developers get their games out the door. Usually, she said, she recommends that her clients finish their games with a buffer of four to six weeks for certification time. Since the pandemic started, she’s been telling them to plan for eight to 10 weeks.

“We’re being extremely careful now,” Ms. St-Onge said. “We don’t know what the turnaround time is going to be.”
Concern About New Consoles

The hardest-hitting economic effect of the pandemic, though, may be on the release of new consoles from Sony and Microsoft, who have long planned to release the next PlayStation and Xbox this fall. Such events happen only every seven or eight years, to enormous attention and, the companies hope, acclaim.

Much of the 2020 video game release schedule was aligned around those launches, with companies like EA and Ubisoft planning video game releases alongside the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X.

Both Microsoft and Sony have said that their consoles remain on track, but internally, they continue to watch the clock.

“New games are what really keeps the market going,” said Mr. Piscatella of the N.P.D. Group. “If the consoles get delayed, that’s going to have an impact on what we’re seeing in the market, no question.”

Yves Guillemot of Ubisoft said that Microsoft and Sony had “made it possible for our developers to keep using their dev kits” — proprietary computer hardware that helps game makers develop games on consoles — “to continue creating our next-generation console games” even as the company’s staff works remotely, although he signaled a willingness to delay those games if the consoles miss their fall target.

“We are not seeing significant impact to our own timelines, but we are in touch with all our partners and if there’s a need to adjust in order to do what’s best for them and for our players, we will do so,” Mr. Guillemot said.

If global quarantining measures continue through the summer, delays for many of this fall’s games may be inevitable — except, perhaps, for those that release annually, like Call of Duty, which Activision has put out every fall since 2005, or EA’s Madden football video game series, a perpetual August release.

Two developers of video games planned for this fall, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the news media, said that so far, they had chosen to cut scope rather than delay their games. Because of slowdowns in productivity at their studios — and at outsourcing houses, particularly in China and India — they plan to cut features, levels and quests in hopes of making their deadlines.

But there are some aspects of game development that can’t be emulated from home, like performance capturing, an expensive process in which an actor stands on a sound stage and mimics character movements. Those actions are filmed and translated to animations that can be used in the game.

“We don’t have a solution for it,” said Mr. Vincke of Larian Studios, adding that he hoped to be able to get back in the performance capture studio soon alongside heavy disinfecting and social distancing policies. “We’re hoping that eventually we’re going to organize something.”

A more prevalent concern across video game productions is voice acting.

“We had one project in the middle of recording,” said John Ricciardi, a co-founder of 8-4 Ltd., a Tokyo-based localization company, which translates scripts. “And two or three lined up to be starting soon. The one that’s in the middle is just on pause. The other ones are delayed.”

Although voice actors can record from their homes, the sound can be inconsistent, Mr. Ricciardi said, especially if part of a game’s dialogue has already been recorded in the studio.

Mr. Vincke said that Larian’s next project, the highly anticipated role-playing game Baldur’s Gate 3, was still on track for an “early access” beta release this year. Larian’s internal estimates show that their teams are operating at 70 to 80 percent of their normal productivity, at least for now.

“Development is proceeding,” Mr. Vincke said. “We’re just slowed down.”
Více odkladů, více osekaných, nedodělaných her.

“The very first week, it went really well,” said Swen Vincke, the chief executive at Larian. (…) “Everyone had all the information they needed to just smoothly go work from home.”

But as the company entered the second and third weeks of social isolation--

Tak to všechno šlo do prdele. Jo, to znám.
@Electricman37 (19.04.2020 19:13): A uzatvoril si celý element tabuliek v dive? Samozrejme môže tam byť aj taká blbina, ako som sa na blogspote stretol tiež, že v štýloch je na niektoré veci v html a css nadradený "override", ktorý ti ich nepovolí.
@Electricman37 (19.04.2020 12:47): Tabuľku vieš vycentrovať tým, že ju obalíš do elementu v HTML, ktorý je vycentruje, myslím, že ak v kóde nad riadok 2845 pridáš: <div align="center"> tabuľky a ich časť kódu </div> tak by to malo fungovať.
Prípadne ak je tabuľka externý element alebo obrázok tak:
<img style="display:block;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;" align="center" src="tabulka.jpg" />

EDIT: resp. ak to robíš cez editor, tak si prepni z WYSIWYG editora do html a nájdi, kde začína kód pre tabuľky a daj to presne pred ne. :)
@Electricman37 (19.04.2020 12:47): Hned první věta. Zkus si udělat větný rozbor a zakrestlit si schéma - vnořené věty ve vnořených větách jsou zlo. Taky mi přijde, že hodně přecházíš mezi aktivem a pasivem. Další výhradu mám ke členění . Čtení tolika malých a drobných odstavců není uplně příjemné. Celkově zkus zapracovat na plynutí textu.
Zdravím, už nějakou dobu píšu recenze na hry do školního časopisu a chtěl jsem je dávat někde veřejně, a tak je postupně začnu dávat sem - (Zatím tam mám jenom nejnovější na RE3, ale jak říkám, přidám tam i ty starší) Moc prosím o všechny, které to aspoň trochu zajímá, aby si recenzi přečetli a dali nějakou zpětnou vazbu, co se vám líbí, co bych mohl zlepšit atd. Baví mě to a chtěl bych se tomu nadále věnovat. Snad se to nebere jako reklama. :)
Jo a omlouvám se za tu tabulku, že není vycentrovaná, ale bohužel jsem nepřišel na to, jak to tam nastavit.
Prihodím perličku. Linus nedávno rozbehal Crysis na 64c/128t Threadripperi 3990X cez softvérový rendering, dnes už na to netreba dedikovanú grafiku! :-)

Akurát spotreba musela byť pekelná. V review na uviedli, že spotreba zostavy sa prehupla cez jeden kilowatt a v kutlochu sa im rozblikali svetlá:
However, when we enabled PBOD and XMP, we get over 800W of power draw (with some lights flickering in the apartment with total system power draw over 1kW), and the CPU will hit upwards of 95C.
@Paul (17.04.2020 16:13): docela by mě zajímalo, co Crytek plánuje dál, protože podle tohodle videa hledá lidi a pokud na remasteru dělá Saber, tak Crytek by mohl přijít s novou IP nebo pokračováním Crysis. Jen mám takový pocit, že dokud tomu šéfuje věčně nespokojený Yerli, tak by Crysis 4 byl stejná nebo ještě větší sračička jako trojka.

@ntz (17.04.2020 16:10): vypadá nejlíp, protože byl vyvíjen primárně na PC - představ si, kde bychom dnes byli, kdyby nás konzole nedržely zpátky a lidi by to fakt kupovali! ;-)
@Garret (17.04.2020 16:06): co jsem četl tak ten remaster bude založen na tý konzolový verzi, protože běží na novější verzi enginu. Ale byl tam dost zmrvenej ten nanosuit, takže doufám že to vrátí tak jak to bylo v PC verzi. Jinak u mě je Saber solidní firma, tak uvidíme.

@ntz (17.04.2020 16:06): ok.
@Garret (17.04.2020 16:06): koukal jsem na video co srovnavalo C 1 2 a 3 (takova ta obrazovka 1/3 pro kazdou) na yt a musim rict, ze to C1 mi prislo ze vypada skoro nejlip a skoro nejlip fresh ... (C1 == 2007, FC2 == 2011, FC3 == 2013)
@Paul (17.04.2020 14:04): ale přivést TW3 na Switch je "demaster" :-) otázkou je, jestli to jsou ti praví na "vylepšování", i když jim bude stát za zadkem Nvidia a Crytek... konzolové verze už měly podporu multithread, takže přivést to i na PC v podobě patche nemusel být takový problém

@ntz (17.04.2020 14:35): je to ve 4K :-) není to jen o CPU, Crysis používá dost brutální metody grafických fičur, které se dneska fejkují (a vypadají stále skvěle) a jsou mnohonásobně méně náročné
@Paul (17.04.2020 16:03): cekal bych, ze to bude mit mnohem vic ... uvazoval jsem nad tim, ze bych si to koupil .. mam to na GOGu na wishlistu ... akorat mam jen 1050 GPU ... tak me tak v rychlosti hloupe napadla prvni myslenka, kterou jsem bez dalsiho a hlubsiho premejsleni napsal, pac jsem si rikal, ze je zvlastni ze to ma tak malo .. ja asi prehlidl tu tvoji dalsi poznamku na tohle tema ... procital jsem odspodu
@ntz (17.04.2020 15:58): právě že věk nedokazuje o nikom vůbec nic, není to nijak inteligentní ani katarzní poznámka. Jinak mě ale tedy taky zaujalo proč ses ptal proč má jen 65 fps. Nejen proto, že jsem to zodpověděl níže.
@S4TW (17.04.2020 15:55): ja jsem nerekl nic o zadne *moralni* prevaze ani nic podobnyho :D

ja jsem jenom rekl smerem ke gordyne (ne smerem k tobe - je mile, ze jsi se mezi nas pridal), ze nejsem zvedavej, aby me mentoroval o 20 let mladsi spratek co zatim uhral za zivot 10x vic her nez ja .. znovu opakuju - neni potreba to konotovat s vyrazy jako "moralni" nebo v tom hledat nejake obecne postulaty typu ze vek ti dava nejakou prevahu apod :D .. a je dulezite pripomenout, ze jsem to rekl kvuli tomu, ze me proste specialne gordyna dlouhodobe otravuje
@Paul (17.04.2020 15:48): psani jako "sotva-pubertak" je muj swag :D ... vim totiz od deti co to znamena `boomer' a slibil jsem, ze se jim nikdy nestanu ... to rovnou muzes rict, ze kdyz jezdim ve 40ti po meste na skejtu a nebo ze (napr.) nosim hadry od vans (a nenosim kosili) a nebo ze jezdim v bilem triku na brutal assault, tak ze to neco dokazuje a nebo nedokazuje ...

ja jsem samozrejme tusil, ze moje prohlaseni o prevaze diky zivotnim zkusenostem vyvola v urcitych jedincich velikou katarzi, me ale pripada, ze prave tohle moje slova krasne podtrhuje :D
@ntz (17.04.2020 15:38): životní zkušenosti jsou relativní, to, že ti je čtyřicet neznamená, že máš bohatší životní zkušenosti... a vůbec si nemyslím, že věk je nějaký patent na morální převahu, jak se tu snažíš naznačit...
Protože nic nedokazuje věk, životní zkušenosti a převahu lépe, než komolení přezdívek a psaní jako sotva-puberťák.
@S4TW (17.04.2020 15:32): nejsem zvedavej na gordynu ... furt me s prestavkama votravuje .. nevztahuj si to prosim na sebe a ani z toho nedelej nejakou house-rules ... nicmene vek a zivotni zkusenosti ti samozrejme urcitou prevahu nad lidma co je nemaji samozrejme davaji ..
@Gordon (17.04.2020 14:46): musim ti zase zacit rikat Gordyno ... nebavi me tve poznamky a ani tvoje fascinace moji osobou .. dej mi pls pokoj gordyno, nejsem zvedavej na to, aby me mentoroval skoro o 20 let mladsi spratek nez jsem ja (a nejedna se jen o tenhle tvuj prispevek) co zatim dokazal za svejch 23 let zivota usmahnout 10x vic pocitacovych her nez ja (nebo 100x, abych te neurazil/nepodcenil/nevimco)