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Nevíte někdo jméno německýho rpg který se inspirovalo prvním a druhým falloutem?
@Samariel (11.11.2022 17:32): Ze zmíněných her jsem hrál jen Mafii a Warcraft 3. Nic jiného jsem nehrál a ani mě nikdy noc z toho k zahrání nelákalo. Teda možná kromě Age of Mythology, to jsem ale nikdy nezkoušel. Pokud neberu Mafii, tak je pro mě jednoznačně nejzásadnější hrou roku 2002 Syberia. Kromě toho mě zaujaly ještě Post Mortem, RollerCoaster Tycoon 2, Cultures 2, The Watchmaker a Czech Scoccer Manager 2002. A i přes negativní recenze mám velmi dobré vzpomínky na Simona 3D.
@Samariel (11.11.2022 17:32): Top 3 je pro mě  No One Lives Forever 2, Stronghold Crusader a Vice City. Moc z toho roku jsem ale nedohrál, už jsem na to neměl PC a ke všemu jsem se vrátit nestihl.

A když už se ptáš na 2004, tak tam jednoznačně  Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, jedna z nej her všech dob. Plus oc Half-Life 2 a osobně mám dost rád i třetího Thiefa.
@Samariel (11.11.2022 17:32): Za mě z toho výběru (a byl to fakt luxusní rok)

1) Mafia
2) Hitman 2
3) Jedi Outcast
4) Vice City
5) Morrowind
6) Splinter Cell
7) NOLF 2
8) Warcraft 3
9) Medal of Honor AA
10) Tony Hawk 4

Samý pecky, fakt že jo.
Dovolím si zde odložit informaci, že tento víkend, respektive od dneška pátku 11.11.2022 od cca 17 hod do neděle 13.11.2022 poledne probíhá sraz pilotů leteckého simulátoru Falcon BMS 4.36 v Náměšťi nad Oslavou. Slet pořádá 43rd VFW Black Adders (jsem členem).

Přijďte se podívat nebo si zalítat. V sobotu máme nabitý program od rána do půlnoci plný přednášek o všem možném souvisejícím s Falcon BMS 4.36.  

Kontakt na místo kde se slet pořádá  Budeme v konferenční místnosti. Pro fanoušky leteckých simulátorů ideální příležitost. :)
@BUMTARATA (03.11.2022 14:42): Zajímavé. Určitě hlavně ty stoupající náklady jsou něco, co dělá herním firmám práci citelně těžší. Beru, že i kvůli tomu se vícero Bioware her nepovedlo.
To by mě zajímalo, proč v některých hrách (myslím tím ze třetího pohledu) je možné se po výskoku ve vzduchu otočit. Už mne to napadlo mockrát, co je to za blbost, ale objevuje se to pořád a pořád. Co se honí v hlavě toho, kdo naprogramuje pohyb postavy tak, že ve vzduchu se klidně otočí kolem své osy? Jak to sakra dokáže?
Mark Darrah (ex-Bioware) odpovídá na otázky.

Vybírám (a krátím) nejzajímavější odpovědi, enjoy:

Q: What is the limit of optimization in the game…
A: Two things. One, there's usually a line that we're not willing to cross from a fidelity perspective, and then two, there's a limit to how much money we can spend on the optimization in order to make it run on really old hardware. And then there are actual hard limits, bc each creature, you have in a game, needs to have time to update its AI, so you can't take it forever, unless you're starting to get in really deep and start to strip out creatures and stuff, in which case you're not really optimizing the game, you're porting it to another piece of hardware. So, you can make anything run on anything if you have no fidelity constrains whatsoever.

Q: People think that the Series S is holding back the next generation of games…
A: Honestly, what I would argue is if you want 60 fps, you want the Series S to hold out for as long as possible, bc one thing the Series S does is it means you have to have a version that runs on the Series S and that version that runs on the Series S can probably run at 60 fps on the X and the PS5. So, if frame rate is what you care about, you should want the Series S to hold on for as long as it can.

Q: The time and people required to create AAA experiences keeps going up…
A: I think it's in the process of starting to break down. Budgets have gone up and up and up, complexity has gone up and up and up, it's not linear, a team of 200 people is not twice as hard to manage as a team of 100 people, it's probably four times as hard.

Q: Is liberal politic really plaguing game companies or is it just a paranoia by conservative political group?
A: It is absolutely paranoia by conservative political groups, most video games are pro status quo and that is a very fundamental conservative belief which is that things should remain largely as they are (…) if anything the messaging is on the other side of that.

Q: Why are games teased so early?
A: Bioware has teased games for a couple of reasons. One, EA feels like their press conference is too light and they need something to throw in there that makes it look like they're not just making sports games, so therefore you get an early early tease of Anthem. Or, the team feels like they're gonna get canceled, so by making an announcement they make the game more real and make it much harder for the publisher to cancel them, that's the primary reason why Dreadwolf was at TGA in 2017.

Q: What happens inside the company after, for example, Jason Schreier releases his newest article? Do you think journalism is positively influencing the industry?
A: I would argue that other than Jason Schreier most of the industry doesn't contain journalists, most of them are more like people who are reporting what the companies want them to report, which is great, it's actually what exists mostly in movies as well, there's not a lot of investigative journalism happening in video games, so for the most part if what they're doing is reporting what the company is doing, they're not influencing the industry positively or negatively, really, Jason Schreier, as annoying as some of it can be, is probably influencing the industry positively, he's forcing some of these conversations into the light which probably is what we need.

Q: I feel like we're seeing far less linear RPGs in favor of open world experiences…
A: I actually feel like we're moving away from this (…) I think we're actually backing away from this (…) If you're gonna do storytelling in an open world, you need to have a story that exists in these bubbles and makes sense in the person's mind knitting it together, but that weakens your ability to do a strong central arc, bc the person is wandering through it in a relatively random way.

Q: Of all types of AAA games, RPG seems to be one genre everybody struggles to produce as of late…
A: RPGs are the most content driven of all the games (…) I think what we'll see is a little bit of backing away from that fidelity cliff and maybe that's the best way forward.

Q: Beside the rusty launch that mostly got fixed eventually, people still had complains about the story of Andromeda, bc the Ryder twins were childish in almost all serious situations (…) Do you think Alec Ryder being the protagonist for the full game would have been a better choice for the game story and audience?
A: I don't think Alec being the protagonist would be better. I did provide a feedback on Andromeda and I said that this feels like a CW show and was told that's on purpose. I've actually thought about this some more since then and I actually think it's this: Shepard is a protagonist of an action movie from the 80s and 90s, Ryder is a protagonist from an action movie from the 00s, so there's essentially an intentional kinda moving with the audience to some degree. I don't think this is the biggest problem with the story in Andromeda. My concern on the Andromeda's biggest problem is that it could've told a refugee story, it could've told a story about colonialism, but instead it tells the story in the middle of that that isn't the interesting version of the story.

Q: Do you think if EA managed more RPGs, it would have been easier for Bioware to make more RPG quality of life features?
A: Yeah, for sure, EA just inherently doesn't understand RPGs, the same as they don't understand the Sims, so it's always been a struggle to get them to understand why things take the amount of time they are, why certain features matter, why other features don't really matter, there's been a disconnect all along, for sure.

Q: Will Bioware make a new IP?
A: I don't think it's gonna be allowed to make a new IP for quite a long time, bc I think EA will tend to interpret Anthem's problems as a problem, so I think it's gonna be a while, for sure.

Q: I remember you talking about how most videogames promote the idea of the exceptionalism of few individuals that actually solve problems while most people are useless. What are some other ways in which videogames are shaping our vision of the world, for better or worse?
A: Most games are very status quo focused, bc usually the general plot is there is a status quo, something's coming to upset that, you need to fight that to bring it back to the status quo. They are inherently conservative in their general storytelling. But that's true of most media…
@Paul (02.11.2022 20:50): Mne sa to páči, ak to má byť roguelike, tak to si tiež viem predstaviť, bude to napínavejšie. Čo sa mi tam nepáčilo bol ten stealth. Hlavne, že tam bolo plíženie v plátovej zbroji. *facepalm*
@Samariel (02.11.2022 11:16): tak zrovna 16GB RAM mi přijde jako naprosto marginální záležitost. Například moje DDR4 stojí teď 1600,- právě za 16GB a to jsou o trochu lepší ramky než zaklad. Navíc zrovna 16GB je už roky tak nějak standard a ještě asi pár let bude. Zrovna jsem si říkal jestli tě ceny nevyužíju a nezvednu to na 32, ale podle testu je to na hry zatím stále zbytečnost a nijak bych si nepomohl.

Jo kdybys řešil místo na disku, tak to bych ještě chápal, kdy dneska 100GB na hru není problém a 50 je už skoro standard. Největší masakr co jsem viděl byl Ark Survival nebo jak se to jmenuje s krásnými 320 GB požadovaného místa.
@Strady (02.11.2022 11:29): GRID Legends tu nemělo profil 4 měsíce po vydání třeba. A chybí nám tu poslední tři ročníky NFL. :D

A samozřejmě nějaké konzolové exkluzivity par let dozadu, ale to se nedá úplně počítat, když na DH nešly přidat tehdá.
@Fritol (29.10.2022 18:43): Na Gotham jsem chtěl zeptat, jestli to nebude rekord na DH. Tří Ačková hra která nemá zatím profil a podle Správy Databáze ani v dohlednu mít nebude :D
Jaká AAA hra drží rekord neudělaného profilu na DH?
Ono je to spíš smutné z hlediska DH, že nám tady tak trochu vymizeli přidavači nových AAA her. Aktivní přidavači her jsou většinou úzce zaměření. :/ Nejen že tu nejsou Gotham Knights, ale není tu ani Bayonetta 3, která vyšla večera.
Fascinuje mě že tu Gotham Knights stále nemaj profil. Že tahle AAA hra je prostě tak nezajímavá, že se ani nikdo nenamáhá ji přidat :)
Přitom taková komedie chyb, naposledy třeba když odstranili denuovo a pak ho zas vrátili protože to prý byla chyba, takže piráti teď mají lepší verzi hry. A je to až impresivně neoptimalizovanej bazmek, na všech platformách.