PRIVATE MARTIN (21.08.2024 17:36): u Nuclear Options přímo píšou, že specializovaný ovladač není nutný, viz. " Aircraft can be flown with various controllers or with a mouse-controlled "virtual joystick", requiring no special hardware. ".
Vyzkoušej TCA, znám lidi jenž si to pochavalují, osobně bych DEXy a TCA řadil spíše někde na pomezí mezi arkádou a simulátorem. Srovnání s Janes USNF94/ATF je více méně na místě. Letecká simkáda, moderně řečeno. :)
BTW autor DEX píše: " Controls have been optimised for GAMEPADS without sacrificing simulation options via a Sensor/Screen of Interest (SOI) plus modifier button system to expand the number of buttons available. However, controls can be easily re-mapped to other devices for those that have flight sticks, throttle controls or HOTAS setups"
Plus " Arcade or Simulation? You won't find any magically respawning missiles here! Instead you will find realistic weapon load-outs, a simulation level physics driven helicopter flight model and the usual targeting pods and RADAR systems you would expect in this type of game. However, these systems have been simplified to give the overall "feeling" of being in control of a helicopter gunship without the need to memorise hundreds of keys. "