Vraj funkčná úprava DSMfixu: http://a.pomf.se/cndmni.zip , ešte som neskúšal. má niekto rady ako na to?
"To get the offsets I had a cracked old version of darksouls running DSMfix ( In my case v1.0.2.0 ) and the steamworks one. What I did was look at where the offsets pointed to in the cracked one, read what was also accessing the address, found that same instruction in the new version, checked what addresses it was writing to then looked to see if the chunk of memory looked remotely similar to how the cracked versions did.
Took awhile but it worked as far as I can tell. If there are any bugs let me know. "
PS: Komédia začala:
http://www.hrej.cz/novinky/2014/12/23/na ... skovsky-patch-34849/
"To get the offsets I had a cracked old version of darksouls running DSMfix ( In my case v1.0.2.0 ) and the steamworks one. What I did was look at where the offsets pointed to in the cracked one, read what was also accessing the address, found that same instruction in the new version, checked what addresses it was writing to then looked to see if the chunk of memory looked remotely similar to how the cracked versions did.
Took awhile but it worked as far as I can tell. If there are any bugs let me know. "
PS: Komédia začala:
http://www.hrej.cz/novinky/2014/12/23/na ... skovsky-patch-34849/