@Jab (18.11.2019 23:20): Ano, legendární a můj nejoblíbenější článek na wookiepedii je ten věnovaný brnění Dartha Vadera.
The monitoring panel beeped frequently and for no reason, the lights seeming to serve only as steady reminders of his vulnerability.
The collar was also equipped with feeding straws that allowed Vader to feed himself from an implanted bladder filled with RepMed vitapaste, and could be refilled either during monthly maintenance, or on demand.
The data slots accepted RepMed data wafers Ix44a and Ix44ax sizes.
...at the newly renamed Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center...
Budgetary limitations and lack of effective equipment imposed by the Empire also acted as a factor to the shoddy attempts at repair.
2-1B/DRX likewise ordered for Vader's helmet to be waxed with woodoo hide in the hopes that the resulting shine would distract Palpatine from the shortcuts they were forced to implement during the surgery.
Nejdřív jsem myslel, že to někdo nemůže vůbec myslet vážně a že to je z nějaké satirické stránky, ale je to fakt z Wookiepedie :))
Vždycky se zasměju při představě, že Impérium v klidu postavilo DVĚ Hvězdy smrti, ale u vadera obleku se dělaly škrty v rozpočtu...
The monitoring panel beeped frequently and for no reason, the lights seeming to serve only as steady reminders of his vulnerability.
The collar was also equipped with feeding straws that allowed Vader to feed himself from an implanted bladder filled with RepMed vitapaste, and could be refilled either during monthly maintenance, or on demand.
The data slots accepted RepMed data wafers Ix44a and Ix44ax sizes.
...at the newly renamed Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center...
Budgetary limitations and lack of effective equipment imposed by the Empire also acted as a factor to the shoddy attempts at repair.
2-1B/DRX likewise ordered for Vader's helmet to be waxed with woodoo hide in the hopes that the resulting shine would distract Palpatine from the shortcuts they were forced to implement during the surgery.
Nejdřív jsem myslel, že to někdo nemůže vůbec myslet vážně a že to je z nějaké satirické stránky, ale je to fakt z Wookiepedie :))
Vždycky se zasměju při představě, že Impérium v klidu postavilo DVĚ Hvězdy smrti, ale u vadera obleku se dělaly škrty v rozpočtu...